26 January 2021
IAMO Forum 2021
This year’s IAMO Forum will be held from 7 – 9 June and focuses on the topic "Agrifood systems in the bioeconomy". The conference will be held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As every year, IAMO China Group is planning multiple organized…
06 November 2020
Save the data - Online Workshop "Nutrition and food security under sustainable agricultural transformation" on December 3, 2020
In scope of the annual Sino-German Agricultural Week, the Sino-German Agricultural Center (DCZ) is organizing a research workshop in cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) and IAMO China Group on December 3, 2020. The…
13 July 2020
Lecture series for students of Huazhong Agricultural University, China
Three researchers from China Research Group, Dr. Zhanli Sun, Dr. Lioudmila Chatalova, and Dr. Yanjun Ren, were recently invited to give lectures to faculty members and students from Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU). This is part of a series of lectures at Public Management Forum, organized by…
China Research Group has a vital platform for the cooperation between Chinese and German researcher in the field of agricultural economics. The group’s work has become even more important during the COVID-19 pandemic. One example is the cooperation…
30 June 2020
China Session at IAMO Forum 2020
29 June 2020 – IAMO China Research Group organized a panel session at the IAMO Forum 2020 to systematically discuss the digital transformation of Chinese agriculture from various perspectives. After the impulse talk by Dr Lena Kuhn, five distinguished scholars, Dr. Wenbin Wu, Prof. Hang Xiong, Prof.…
The lead topic of this year’s IAMO Forum was “Digital transformation – towards sustainable food value chains in Eurasia” and was held, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as an online conference this year. Digital technologies are reshaping agricultural…
05 December 2019
5th Sino-German Agricultural Week in Beijing
18-22 November 2019, the 5th Sino-German Agricultural Week (DCAW) was held at Landmark Hotel, Beijing. The event was sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) and the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and organized by the Sino-German Agricultural…
The discussion during the event focused on climate change adaptation and mitigation, land management, and agricultural cooperation between China and Germany, including two events “Sino-German Workshop on Climate Change and Agriculture” and…
07 November 2019
Strengthening research cooperation with China – Joint conference and MoU with Huazhong Agricultural University
18-21 October 2019 – Several IAMO researchers, including Lena Kuhn and Zhanli Sun, coordinators of China Research Group, participated the Third International Conference on Natural Resource Management and Public Policy at Wuhan, China. The conference was jointly organized by Huazhong Agricultural…
During 18-21 October, a delegation of IAMO researchers led by Dr Lena Kuhn and Dr Zhanli Sun, coordinators of China Research Group, participated the third international conference on natural resource management and public policy at Wuhan, China. In…
01 October 2019
IAMO welcomes delegation from Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China
On 25 September 2019, a delegation from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA), China, led by Mr. Jinyao Zong, the director of Department of Laws and Regulations, visited the IAMO. In the fruitful exchange with IAMO director <link en institute staff details glauben>Prof. Dr.…
01 July 2019
China session of IAMO Forum 2019
On June 26, a panel session entitled "Current challenges and way forward for Chinese agriculture after 40 years of rural reforms", organized by IAMO China Research Group, was held in IAMO Forum 2019. A panel of renowned researchers from various…
12 March 2019
IAMO Researchers Visited Sichuan, China
On the invitation of Prof. Shemei ZHANG, a former IAMO guest researcher, IAMO researchers, Dr. Axel Wolz and Dr. Zhanli Jerry Sun paid a visit to the Faculty of Management, Sichuan Agricultural University during the week Feburary 23 to March 1, 2019.…
15 December 2018
IAMO China Group Workshop 2018
IAMO China Group successfully held the annual workshop on December 7, 2018 at IAMO. The goal of the workshop is to update the group activities, to exchange among group members, and to discuss future plans. Prof. Thomas Herzfeld, Dr. Zhanli Sun, and…